If you would like to receive the weekly emails, please sign up on our blog: http://www.celebrationsingles.blogspot.com/ Look for the signup at the top of the blog.
Website Link for Celebration Singles: www.acac.net/celebration-singles
This week
Friday, January 14th - Bible Study with Dale Craig
Mark your calendars
Friday, January 21st - Adult Sports and Games Night
Sunday, February 13th - Next Lunch Buddies
Friday, April 29th - Jazz Festival
Greensburg Alliance Activities
Bible study information
Email and website information
This week:
Friday, January 14th - Bible study with Dale Craig
7:30 p.m. Robinson Chapel, Union Place
Afterwards we will continue our fellowship at Gullifty's.
Mark your calendars:
Friday, January 21st - Adult (18+) Sports and Games Night
We meet on 1st and 3rd Fridays for volleyball, ping pong, and board games from 7:30 p.m. to 10:45 p.m.
Simpson Hall and Heritage Room
There will be a brief devotional and announcements at 9 p.m.
Volleyball, Ping Pong, Board games – All skill levels welcome. Feel free to bring your favorite board game.
Ping pong - King William the 1st and 3rd
Sunday,February 13th - Next Lunch Buddies
Lunch Buddies on January 9th was a lot of fun :-)
Want to meet other singles? Join us for Lunch Buddies - an informal lunch gathering open to all singles.
--Since some of you in your 30s have said that it's hard to meet other singles in your 30s, we will have a reserved table for 30s at Lunch Buddies so you can better meet each other.
Lunch Buddies will be held the second Sunday of each month at Bistro to Go on E. Ohio Street.
Come any time between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Purchase your own food and/or beverage and join us in the big meeting room behind Bistro Soul next door to Bistro to Go. (There is a breakfast buffet there if you are interested in that.)
Contact Cathi with questions jones@rmu.edu
Friday, April 29th - Jazz Festival - details to follow
Greensburg Alliance Activities
Single Adult Ministry Events
"Let us concentrate on the things which make for harmony and the growth of our fellowship together" Romans 14:19
RSVPs are very helpful to notify you in case plans get changed. Sign up sheets are available in the church lobby or you may RSVP by e-mailing bussmr@zoominternet.net. Your cooperation in letting us know if you are interested in attending an event will be greatly appreciated so we can plan accordingly and make your fellowship with us more enjoyable!
Small group Bible Study:
When: 1st and 3rd Sunday night of each month (excluding holidays) from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM
Material: The Testing of Your Faith by Dr. Bruce Wilkinson
Workbooks will be made available and donations will be accepted to offset their cost. Please RSVP by e-mailing bussmr@zoominternet.net or by calling the church at 724-837-1122 724-837-1122 if you plan on attending so that we can ensure enough workbooks are available.
Location: Greensburg Alliance Church - Conference Room
Please RSVP at least two days in advance if child care is needed so that we can try to accomodate your request.
You can also visit our website to get updated information regarding our ministry and events as well:
Created By Single Adult Ministry - Greensburg Alliance Church
Bible Studies
Celebration Singles has a growth group which meets at ACAC on Sundays at 9:50 a.m.
Bruce Bickel has a Bible study that meets at 12:10 on Thursdays at First Presbyterian Church on Sixth Ave. Downtown Pittsburgh.
Patrick Marx has several small group Bible studies. Contact him for information on these studies patrick.marx@verizon.net
Email and Website Information
Email Celebration Singles at celebrationsingles@gmail.com or
check out the webpage (http://www.acac.net/celebration-singles ) if you have any questions on any of these events.
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